måndag 23 augusti 2010

Nothing less then you make it

These past days I have been, not floating on clouds, but not far from it. Ive been... almost satisfide with who I am.
And with that in mind, I thought I had been trying to make it better. I really thought I had. But I just realised I havnt. Ive had excuses all day every day. Im not satisfide with my life as it is. Not trying to live each day as my life.
So many people are daying every day with thoughts of what they should have done with life. I dont want to be that person.
I want to really do something new with me every day. Even if it's as a small thing as hugging the people I love one more time or going for that walk in the neighborhood, to do some charity work.
And above all things. Loving myself. Loose all that weight that make me avoid the mirror and other people.
I want to live my life to the fullest and if I look back and regret something Ive done. At least I will have done something.
I do love those few exeptional fantastic people thats in my life. I hope Ill meet more people like them along the way.

Peace and carrots to you all.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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